

Often, proximity to the problem makes it harder to see what is apparent. In such cases, having an outsider look at the problem gives one a perspective that one may not have.

We have been working with founders and business leaders for the last decade and a half and in this time we have been able to help businesses with various challenges they face.

Mentoring is the best way to support business leaders by providing them an ear and facilitating them to see the “here and now”. It provides them the space to look at things in a non-critical manner while at the same time focusing on their performance and the gaps that exist.

Mentoring can also be useful to optimise and increase productivity. It does not have to be a tool that one utilises only when something is amiss. You can opt for coaching even when things are great and you wish to leap to the next level in your venture.

Mentor as Expert

We also work with teams within the organisation to help them understand various facets of the business and also to help put together processes that work for the organisation and help the organisation grow more robustly and efficiently.

When organisations face an issue with specific functions that are causing problems with the smooth operation of the company, we come in to both diagnose and design potential solutions that can be adopted to fix the problems. Often the engagement involves the development of processes for the organisation that would minimise friction in the system and standardise operating principles.


Mentoring provides clients with a means to improve their effectiveness and performance and help them achieve their full potential.

It can provide an environment where the leader can speak freely without having to worry about the repercussions of issues. It helps identify solutions that may exist within the organisations that have been overlooked. It also forces the leader to look at the here and now instead of dwelling on the future constantly.


We will ensure that the team members who are a part of the program can internalise and apply themselves. We will also help them interpret the same from the perspective of their positions within the enterprise.

There would be increased effectiveness and productivity that would be noticeable for the individual concerned.